For the straight, unadulterated, constitutional facts - regarding the Republic of Texas' Elected, Declared Independent then Internationally Recognized, de jure ad interim 10th Congress Government.
Welcome to the first 10th Congress Government of the Republic of Texas (RT) website in the new millennium. It was disabled and then hi-jacked by a fake so-called Provisional, then Provisional again, then Provisional 'unity' then Interim - outfit made up of bogus renegades - purporting to represent the Republic of Texas dba TexasRepublic.CON (very sic) etc.
This was put to a stop on no uncertain terms - though they are currently attempting to snatch up every URL they can, to usurp the Texas cause for independence.
The only website for the facts concerning 10th Congress government of the Republic of Texas is: .
This site is reserved for official Press Releases and Announcements and there are no other official sites for the Republic of Texas other than AND the Republic of Texas' Internationally Registered Defence Forces found at URL: http:// .
Any outfit that is not a part of the Internationally Recognized and Registered: 10th Congress government and RT Defence Forces - claiming to be any part of the Republic of Texas is bogus, and - aside from treason - is probably involved in serial fraud(s).
Faithfully, webmaster.